It's a crazy mix between Gundams, Disney, random creatures, Fistful of Power mini warrior figures, Hardee's restaurant clown, Godzilla universe and last but not least, Marvel. I think it would make for an aweoms fighting game.
They stare down each other. (That's my Grad
folder by the way, beneath the Pioneer DVD
player.) Right off the bat, the big guys: God-
zilla, Megalon, Venom and Gundam Blastor
on Godzilla's back.
The Heroes.
Here, you can see the Hardees clown, Squirt
from Finding Nemo, That rat guy from Ratt-
atouile (forgot his name), the brachiosaurus
from Dinosaurs, Rex from Toy Story and some
small Fistful of Power figure. Let's not forget
Iron Man and Mickey Mouse.
Another angle. Some random cop, some dal-
matians and the nanny from 101 Dalmatians,
some random creatures, more Fistful guys,
Pumbaa and Rafiki from Lion King.
Another one. There's Rabbit from Pooh, Sti-
tch from Lilo and Stitch, another Fistful of
Power guy and a.....random dog?
The Villains.
There's Hades from Hercules, some more Fis-
tful of Power guys and Dr. Doom.
Syndrome from The Incredibes and Dr. Octo-
Venom and Juggernaut and some
other Fistful of Power guys.
So who will win? It's your call guys.
The Abundant Hero team with random cute animals and Disney thrown with a couple of heroes and monsters for good measure or the Dark Evil Team with master minds and crazy monsters?
The battle commences and the war cries are heard!
My display vehicles that I got when I turned 7. Some Mercedes Bike and a Toyota Land Cruiser:
My 2 guitars, Lyon and Silver. I named them based on their heads.
Lyon cuz it can roar like a lion in terms of the volume it can emit and Silver cuz it needs wires or whatever. It's lame I know, but those names kick ass.
Silver & Lyon
Well that's it for now. Summer is going well and all that usual stuff. Still can't get that damn song out of my mind. Gee....z.
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