A lot of Churches,
a lot of walking,
a river rapid adventure (sadly no pictures, too risky for the camera),
a lot of fun.
So without further adieu, here are the pictures:
Me in the car, on the way there. I had just woken up from sleeping. I had 1 hour of sleep the day of the trip. It was insane. I was so burnt out. Car was moving, thus the bluriness.
We arrive in Montreal, Quebec, Ontario, Canada.
First stop, Notre-Dame Basilica. Neo-gothic design kicks ass. The basilicas in Quebec are awe-inspiring and humbling. I've never seen any other religion so highly decorated with amazing cathedrals and basilicas. Quebec is like an art gallery for churches.
The altar is what draw your eyes at first. It's like straight out of a video game or a movie. It's just amazing.
And here ofcourse, is the almighty organ, which I constantly refered to as the "Batman Symbol".
Even the staircases were brilliant.
Second church, Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal. I was on a very high platform on the church when I took this picture, which was highly elevated itself.
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal's Organ. Another magnficent instrument. I refered to this as the "autobot symbol".
This church was less impressive, visually, then the previous basilica. It had more of a contemporary design. Still a work of art, none the less. Not to mention that the structure itself is multi-tiered and is extremely intimidating from the top cathedral. Very steep and very high.
Then we hit up the Biodome in Montreal. My sister took all these Biodome pictures, you will notice a much better quality in the pictures. My camera is meant for videos, although taking pictures like the ones I posted above is great for a video-cam. Also note she took all the cottage pictures I put up.
First thing we see when we go in...Lemurs!!!! Look closely, you'll see it.
Poison-dart frogs. Mmmm, yummy. Naht.
The fish were huge, but I see all of these species being sold in aquarium stores everywhere. =/
I like tuhtles =)
A porcupine!!! Unfortunately, at this point, my sister's battery in her camera died. OMGAHD.
So then we're tired from touring Montreal. So we head to the cottage. Get off and start to unpack =D My dying gateway in the bottom right. (Photocred goes to my sis)
Time to decide sleeping quarters. OMGAHD, the axe murderer is here, wearing a leather jacket...inside joke haha.
HD in a cottage in the forest?! Can it be?!!!! NAHT. My PS3's at home. I wanna enjoy nature for this vacation.
Ah, Mirror Lake, how I miss you.
My sleeping quarters.
Backyard of the cottage with the deck.
Complete shot of the cottage.
Cottage dock, with half of me in the picture. Thanks sis.
A more dramatic shot of Mirror Lake.
Getting ready to fish with Josh and Kris.
Suddenly everyone swarms the dock. Let the fishing begin.
Josh makes the first catch, a medium sized pumpkin-seed sunfish. Sadly only Kris and Josh catch stuff. I wasn't able to catch anything. The bait I was using was too big, I was trying to go for the game fish. S'all good in da hood.
They named it Ro-Ro. Sadly, it died. R.I.P. Ro-Ro.
Then we went paddle boating after. Kris & I.
Then the canoes came. This was my first time. Josh on the right.
Kris & I getting ready for a race.
Looking into the distance.
Josh Kris & I. See the Fight pose. There's a ton more of that in my sisters Facebook album.
Then my dad's boss's husband who is the owner of the cottage and the company my dad works for, brought this floating platform powered by a motor with a slide and a diving board. It was BOSS.
Josh, Kris & I fishing on the platform.
Josh doing a crazy jump. Friggin shook the whole boat.
The next day, after a full day of outside fun, we visited Quebec city, yet again to visit another, yet beautiful, basilica.
Angry hobo guy. I felt sorry for him and I didn't wanna act weird around him, but the way he was behaving was border lining tourettes and schizofrenia.
Then the last day came.
Last day at the lake. Notice my fight pose.
Last day at the cottage. Again, notice my fight pose. Too much UFC.
On the way home we stopped by a mall and ate lunch and what not. What did I end up finding?
No comment.
Last picture taken on the trip, by me. Say good-bye to Quebec.
There were small moments in between that were not pictured. For one, the river rapid trip we had. My friend Josh lost his paddle and carried by the rapid current to the other side. What a mission it was to retrieve it. Fortunately no one was hurt. There was one casualty, Josh lost one of his slippers. Also we watched some horror movies such as The Orphanage (excellent film) and Ju-on: The Grudge. I was getting ready to be freaked out by Ju-on: The Grudge again, but in retrospect, it wasn't all that scary. There was also a bon-fire, involving burnt weiners. All in all, it was an excellent trip. That's why I'm in an all time low again, cuz all the fun stuff is done. Waiting for another big event.
Noooooooooooooooooo less than a month left,
i remember going to the biodome