Monday, September 28, 2009

My sister's awesome typography.

Man, my PBL class this year really sucks man. I'm the only guy, and I'm the 11th group member. Everyone likes working in pairs. I'm always the odd one out. I hate it. My seat isn't even real. The table's meant for 10 people. So I kinda sit on the side lines. I hate it.

On a totally different note, my sister finished her second typography. I don't say this often enough, but I'm proud of her. She's finally found her calling, something that I didn't find until much later. It's true that the younger generation out does the older one.

Her first one:

Her latest one:

Both are great, the latter being her best. She's improved a lot. I saw her working on it one time, and it takes a lot of work and patience. Gave me a whole different perspective on passionate people. No matter how hard a job is, if the person is passionate, there's really no problem. It's amazing. This is called typography, if you guys don't know. It's just a small aspect of Media Studies and there's so much to learn. She's learned all this by herself, given professional equipment and professional learning, she could do great things in media. I'm happy she found something distinct for herself, something I chose not to do. As the eldest child, I chose to prioritize family and the future. Any dreams I may have, I can pursue later. I'm willing to sacrifice that for my family.

She's planning to take Media Studies at Sheridan College. The program is a diploma and degree program, diploma coming from Sheridan and a BFA (Bachelors Degree of Fine Arts) from York U. She has another choice to take 2 terms (1 year) in Griffith University, Australia, post graduation of this program. That will earn her a BComm (Bachelors degree in Communication)

Good job sis,


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