Nintendo first. It was a pleasant surprise. They picked up steam towards the end when they revealed the Nintendo 3DS.
What I liked:
-The reveal of Golden Sun. Excellent RPG from the GBA era, hopefully this DS game will do it justice. Main character looks like the old main character, although the setting in the new game is set in the next generation of the story.
- Nintendo 3DS. This thing's serious. Revamped with 3D, multiple cameras and analog stick! Plus the graphical capabilities have been bumped to the MAX. It looks like Wii graphics almost.

Kid Icarus means business!
-I hope the whole 3D thing works out and ends up being well integrated into game play rather than a novelty feature. Coming out soon to a store near you.
Next up: Sony. Sony was pretty good; great title reveals, PS move in action, Kevin Butler (EPIC SPEECH) and a new (black) kid on the block...Marcus! (Yes Alvin, it is the kid from role models; personally, I thought he was hilarious.)
What I liked:
-The PS Move looks more promising everytime it is shown. Although I have a feeling that it's probably extremely identical to the Wii, I still think it will cater greatly to the hardcore gamers. I hope they come up with some good titles. That insomniac all stars game looks good. (The one with Ratchet, Jak, Sly Cooper etc.)
- KZ3 (now with 3D..the kind with glasses!) This game still looks friggin amazing still.
-Gran Turismo 5. I was in awe.....Alex thought it was a car commercial. He didn't know it was in-game graphics. The damage makes me lol feels so tacked on.
-Infamous 2. I need to play the first one. Looking good though.
-LBP 2. Endless possibilities; different game genres. It's all up to you on what type of game you will create. What more can you really say? Wow.
-Then the cherry on top of the whole presentation: the reveal of my childhood split screen obsession, Twisted Metal. The entrance was epic, with Sweet Tooth ridin' on his death Ice Cream truck. Game play has evolved, hopefully for the better. There seems to be a lot of variety. Graphically it looks OK.. you could not really see because it was zoomed out half the time. More importantly though....split screen is available! YUSSSSS!!!
-To a lesser note than the above, they finally added video rentals on PSN to the Canadian network. Still cool I think, to be able to get full HD movies without leaving the comfort of your home. But Bluray is Bluray and HD is HD.
- The speech of Butler that probably got every hardcore gamer out of his seat and salute him. And also the fact he noted that lame "french circus" and boxers with no arms.
I was expecting more announcements from Sony, like The Last Guardian, Resistance 3 and maybe even Siphon Filter PS3. I guess I'll have to wait for those. All I know is...Sony is on the right path and has a bright future.
Anyways...based on content and presentation..I think Sony takes the cake this year for best E3 presentation. But I'm more hyped on the Nintendo 3DS, simply because of the number of improvements it's supposed to have.
Here's hoping to seeing more awesome title come out of this year's E3.