I'm not even joking. Watch it. In the past years, all we've been getting are sitcoms with a laughing audience track and it's getting so old. Thank God Arrested Development was created. Even when it was on air for only 3 seasons, with the third season only having 13 episodes -_-', I can honestly say that it's the smartest and funniest comedy series I have seen on TV. I am not the only one who thinks so too, there are a lot of critics who agree with me. A Golden Globe and several Emmys, it's just a complete comedic package. The entire cast is extremely talented from the nervous and awkward personality of George Michael Bluth played by Michael Cera, to the extremely hilarious, sexual orientation ambiguous, Tobias Fünke.
The show is basically a satire on the rich and wealthy American family and how they cope with loss of monetary fortune. There are several other satirical topics, such as the U.S.'s laws, governments and big events. It exhibits the naivety of the rich Caucasian family in California, in Orange County more specifically. It's hilarious to see how these people handle the changes in their lifestyle and also how they react to foreign things. This show can be blatantly racist at times, but it's hilarious and understandable. For example, Lucille Bluth adopts a Korean Child to make her and her husband look charitable. He arrives and Lucille calls Michael, stating that you have to strip them to next to nothing before their gender can be identified. If you think that was enough, they call him Anyong, which is actually "Hello" in Korean. I can tell you more, but I don't want to spoil it. The different comedic mechanisms that go into play in this series is executed so well. I won't state every single one of them, but the main one as I've said already is satire. Their jokes are so subtle and well implemented, it ends up being so f*cking funny.
It's truly unfortunate that this series had such a short run. But this series, although only having 3 seasons is overly superior over other "hilarious" comedies, such as Friends. Friends just has a bigger fan base because the type of comedy they portray is a lot easier to understand and is more obvious; this technique is sadly over used for almost ALL sitcoms.
So, there you have it. Please watch this show. Buy the DVD seasons which are not so expensive anymore, support it. They have a movie planned for next year and I am going to watch it in theatres tons of times. I really will.
I, myself have watched the series completely, 13 times. I'm currently on my 14th run. There are also several things in the background you will not notice the first run through the series. I still notice new things now.
Go watch it!
"I'm afraid I just blue myself." -Tobias Fünke
"Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over, an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist." -Tobias Fünke
Laugh your ass off,
i just blue myself.
lulz analrapist.