Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Najjah Calibur

I don't mean to bedaub Najjah Calibur but he's pretty damn awesome. His song called "So Far (It's Been a Pleasure) is super simple and super catchy. Fun song to listen to. Canadian artists FTW. He is unsigned and he just submitted this video to Much Music and they played it.

Check him out:

Carelton Banks anyone?

Still waitin' on that letter.


Monday, March 28, 2011's been years.

I saw her go online for the first time in years.

No words coming from me obviously. Those days are long gone.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


They start handing out BAA (Animation) acceptance letters starting later March then all through out the weeks of April. I pray that I get in this year but whatever happens, it's in God's hands.

On a totally different note, don't you hate bumptious people? Well if not hate, atleast get very irritated, because I do, very much so.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Kismet can be kind as well as cruel.

Just gotta deal with the days one at a time.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

The world has a countdown

We can never predict when and how much time we have till our planet perishes; but frequent natural disasters and our unpreparedness just goes to show you that we can be wiped out at any time and at any place. We tend to eschew the truth because we just like to worry about our own comfort now and what we want for ourselves now. You can debate forever trying to figure out whether or not we should plan ahead (way ahead) or respond as it is needed but the truth is out there and there's no escaping it.

The rule of the dinosaurs lasted for over 100+ million years. Think about that for a second. The human species has been only around for just 1 million years. Our stage in a species is still infantile . The true modernization of humans, the time when civilization came about, were only tens of thousands of years ago. Yet, we have already killed off 99% of our species that have existed since our species came to existance. Granted that some went extinct naturally as they were not able to adapt to natural changes but a lot of those species disapeared from the face of this planet due to our intervening.

I don't know why I'm especially caring today about our planets well being.

But remember this: The world has a countdown.


Monday, March 21, 2011

I would like to have the ability to know events before they take place.

But prescience may not be the best thing to have all the time.


Don't do it.

Don't you do it damn it.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bones is the future of the LHW division and MMA.

Shogun was and still is a vicious fighter, but the future is here. Jones will be hard to stop.

The interregnum in which there were no true rulers of the light heavy weight division might be filled now by this young man.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The feeling of losing SC2 games so many times in a row...

is so frustrating. I think life can be compared to this appositely, as life has its ups and downs.

We'll make it back, but for now, we back to gold 3v3.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh glorious Nippon....

Nuclear meltdown and another earthquake (6.something, i forget, google it)

Japan, you can get through this.

I sincerely hope and pray for the best and that contamination doesnt fatally effect any people there and that it also doesn't spread through the food chain in the oceans.

At this point in time, you can never give out too much blandishment towards the Japan, they need allt he love and support they can get in this time of need.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Without being too prolix.

Prayers to all those who have been effected by the Sandai Earthquake Tsunami.


Friday, March 11, 2011

I swear, I didn't do anything.

I decided my blogs have been lacking a lot of luster lately so here's a page from Mr. Fonseca's book.

Enjoy "y'all babies".


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pokemon BW out today.

Lol........I played that shit months ago. It was iite.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Submitted aniport yes

yup tpin shrt cz i fl lzy ugz.
