Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And it begins.

It has been almost a week since I got off school, and summer time boredom has come 'round to knock on my door. If I don't get a part-time job this summer, not only will I have another summer break lacking a sizable monetary fund, I will also most likely develop cabin fever if all I do is stay home for 4 months.

I wish I had friends/guests come over often. My cousin's family from Australia left last Saturday and my hunch was verified. I miss my little nephew and nieces. They followed me wherever I went and I had to divert their eyes away from me at times just so I can get a break. Hah. I wonder if he'll remember me? I helped him build a Saint Seiya or whatever model from a very noob model kit. There weren't even any stickers because it required a manual paint job. That is kind of hassle for a 5 cm tall action figure....

But anyhow, ditto again on the first "paragraph".


Monday, April 26, 2010

Let it all out, Rip it out, Remove it...

.....don't be alarmed when the wound begins to bleed.

You said I know that this would hurt.

But if I don't break your heart, then things would just get worse.

If the burden seems to much to bare remember; the end will justify the pain it took to get us there.

Lyrical content credit goes to Relient K.

It's been a crazy week.

I'll leave it at that.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

@Alvin's blogpost: "picture fridays"

I kinda had this idea, like @'ing on twitter for responding. So if you particularly enjoyed or hated someones blog post, make one of these response things to make a short comment or something.

Anyways, hilarious stuff Alvin. Here is my response:

I can't find a youtube clip cuz of those damn copyrights, but here is the script, enjoy.

"The Simpsons: A Tale of Two Springfields (#12.2)" (2000)

[the residents of Old Springfield discover gold in the river after Homer turns off the dam]
Kent Brockman: Thanks, Mayor Simpson! From now on, we'll all be taking golden showers.
[muffled laughter is heard in the background]
Kent Brockman: What?

Will update if I find a clip.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Three....Free? No, definitely Free.

With the Stats exam out of the way, I'm don't with dreaded academics.....at least for the next four months. Whatever happens, happens. I already expressed my feelings on these academic evaluations; it is what it is. I thank you for favours granted St. Rita, St. Jude and St. Joseph of Cupertino.

Anyways, summer seems to be starting off well. My cousin, who I have not seen for over 10 years and her family came and visited all the way from Australia (Os-trail-ya). I'm developing a nice (noi-rse) Aussie accent (ax-int) from continuous conversation from my little nephew. I can already tell that I'll miss that little dude when he goes home, back down under.

I also changed my blog music, the A7X song was getting a little stale. The song I chose was Paradise Lost by Minori Chihara. For those of you who watched Ga-Rei Zero, you'll know this upbeat piece. Enjoy. Hmm...maybe I should watch some obscure anime that didn't do too bad but is not a masterpiece either.

Anyways, I hope to have a good summer.

I'll see you guys when you finish your examinations, good luck,


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lawdy lawd.

My laptop was attacked by viruses/malware/adware whatever the f*ck you want to call it. This is some pure bullsh*t man.

No option but to reformat, it's disabled any and all of my virus/malware/adware softwares.

In other news, upgraded the ol' PC with a new GPU. ATI Radeon HD 4670 1GB DDR3. It was around 80 dollars which is an excellent price for what it can do. It's capable of running Crysis all on high settings, at 1280x1024 resolution and 4x AA. I'm very happy with it to say the least.

Final exam in several hours.

Then it shall be done.

Screw this virus,


Friday, April 16, 2010

Two, through

Yep, Microbiology is done. Allotted time provided was 2 hours, completed in an hour and 12 minutes.

I feel confident and content with my performance, but as always I have these dreadful doubts.

None the less, no matter the results, I thank you for favours granted St. Rita, St. Jude and St. Joseph of Cupertino.

On to the next one (Not the song, cuz I hate it),


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Exam One Done

Time for exam status blog titles. The week-in reviews are done. I only used them cuz I've been busy ever since the start of second semester.

First exam was a breeze, Death and Dying in Canadian Culture. A lot of writing though, many became fatigued at one point or another. Plus the room was like boiling. Air-conditioning feels goooodd.

A bit of luck today, I bought a chocolate shake from a vending machine and it costs 2$ to purchase one. I got two instead of one, woopee. I also found a 4GB flash drive at the computer lab, but pulled a good Samaritan and gave it to the lost and found.

My laptop is not repaired yet, but it's supposed to come back today. Hopefully I wont wreck this new fan.

Haven't done Judo in weeks....bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just two more exams.

Speaking of which my microbiology exam is tomorrow, which will be moderately difficult, if not more so.

Back to the books,


Monday, April 5, 2010

Week-In Review 10 and 11

Laptop is on the fritz. Getting it repaired, currently borrowing a laptop.

Nothing new to report, PBL and Clinical is done. Last class tomorrow. Last class in t-minus 16 days.

UFC 111 @ Josh's was great. Very, very enjoyable. The hangout was pretty big, it was the other group (Marcus and company). I missed that. Happy Birthday again Josh, enjoy the UFC magazine.

Till next time,
