Thursday, June 25, 2009

The King of Pop falls.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson
August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009

He may have done some questionable actions in the last few decades, but he is still the king of pop. The Thriller King.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Warning: Megaton Blogpost is arriving soon.

I haven't been active with my blog recently and there's a bunch of stuff (and pics) that I have not gotten a chance to share yet. I'm just so busy. So I came up with a solution, a new term.

This term, is the the Megaton Blogpost. The way you use it is simple. If you have not blogged in a very long time, you use the Megaton Blogpost. It's easy. You put Megaton Blogpost then the #. For example you use the Megaton Blogpost for the first time, you put Megaton Blogpost # 1. Under the Megaton Blogpost, you then enter smaller subtitles (with dates, titles etc.), as you would in regular, singular blogposts.

So feel free to use it, remember who came up with it. (I'm pretty sure there's a dude with a similar concept, lol)

I have a huge one coming up. Keep watch.

Megaton Blogpost it!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Los Angeles Lakers 2009...

Champions =D

This guy got the MVP...if for some
reason you don't know who this is,
it's Kobe Bryant.

(99-86 LA Lakers vs OL Magics)

Lakers are Ballin!

image credit:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Fauna!

I have some new additions to my 75 Gallon tank. The variety in there is so awesome.

My additions include:

-6 Honey Gouramis

-2 Hybrid Rainbows (no internet pic because they greatly vary)

-1 Severum



P.S. I will add REAL pics of my new fish next time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Workin' over time...literally

As I said in my previous blog post, I got a part time job. I was out like 12 hours today. Official work hours: 10 I'm exhausted. I'm gonna sleep good tonight.

P.S. Albert, I'll see man. He usually only needs 1 guy, he had a Mexican before me lol, but he's gone now.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Workin' over time

Finally got some part time work building decks and basements with a Filipino family friend. Thank God for connections.

I have seen some sick stuff today for fish tanks. We went to this guy's house which is his friend. This dude is a diamond appraisal guy with an international license, which is rare. He studied in Denmark, he dropped 120k to study there. This guy knows the value of money and items a A LOT. Holy shit.

He has several fish tanks, with 1 super red (rarest type of arowana), with some red-gold tail, some silver. Peacock bass. Giant two bar Silver dollars.

His main tank which consists of 1 super read, 2 gold red tails, 1 silver and a bunch of peacock bass is worth 25k. 25k...

His super red alone is worth 12k...the peacock basses are worth 600 dollars....u can buy them small for 10 bucks! what an investment!!!!

He also has a bunch of figurines. A BUNCH. Starwars, anime, video game chars, you name it. (psst. Alvin, he has a ton of awesome SF damn awesome..even Snake!) His basement is ensured for like 100grand incase of fire and his figurines go. Man.

To top it all of...way back when...when the CA dollar was higher than the US dollar...he bought TONS of U.S. funds. Recently he sold it for Canadian funds, and he got tons of CA dollars in return. 87 grand. 0_0

Anyways, that's it for now,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

E3 stuff

There was a ton of cool shit on E3 this year, though I don't feel like posting all of em here right now. My friend, Alvin has posted a ton of the stuff that happened, check his blog.

This one game stuck out though....its a triple exclusive by Tecmo....looks like the pstriple is gonna get their own tears -____-'