Monday, September 30, 2013

Best TV show to ever exist: Breaking Bad

The series ended last night and I now do not have a clue on how Breaking Bad is going to be topped.  I'm sad it's over but I'm glad they did it right.  It was the perfect ending to a perfect show.  If you still have no watched this series, please do yourself a favor and start ASAP.

And I leave you with this.....



Take a hit of this and kick that Old Dirt Nasty shit about getting your dick sucked.

Hilariousssss comedic hiphop.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

24 and still going.

Year after year.  That's what it's starting to feel like now.  It isn't necessarily a bad feeling but this past weekend after the fleeting excitement of UFC 165 at the ACC, down town Toronto (which by the way had the best fight in the history of MMA. Also Gustaffson should have won.), post-fight at Minerva (Korean restaurant), meeting up with all the guys from high school, I came to the realization that we are all on that same journey.

Yes, we are all on different paths.  Yes, our interests and our focus in life are going to start to vary greatly as the years go by but we are all just young adults still trying to fit into the world of supposed adult-hood.  Whether that means that you should already have a career or are still going to school, the definition is not set in stone
;whether you're working or not, we are still young and there is still a lot ahead of us.
For now, we focus on our work as much as we can without killing ourselves.

For now, it's all about having fun. And that's OK.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Birthdays and a bit of splurging.

Thanks to everyone that came this past Saturday for the birthday BBQ dinner for Albert and I.  Great friends, great food & great games (thanks Mike!).

I got one gift from Alvin and it was an awesome one at that.  A Juggernaut figurine (a hero from Valve's DOTA 2) that Alvin hand sculpted.  I greatly appreciate all the hours he put into making this tiny Omnislasher and his decision to gift it to me.

Also today GTA V came out, so guess what I went out to get?  Also Walmart had some anniversary sale and with the advent of Pokemon X & Y, I finally decided to bite the bullet and grab a Nintendo 3DSXL.  That and it was $50 less.

Below is the picture that encompasses all the materialism that I am currently bathing in.

That's all I have to say about that.  And what do you know, this is the first blogpost of the month, my word.
